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rsnapshot Upgrade Guide

This is a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade rsnapshot from version 1.1.6 to version 1.2.0. It is taken almost verbatim from the INSTALL file that comes with the program.
Starting with rsnapshot 1.2.0, the default value for
"rsync_long_args" has changed. This is a global change, that affects
which directories your backups are stored in under the
snapshot root.


Here is a quick summary of what is needed to upgrade:

     Run the configure script with the same arguments you used for
     the previous installation For example:

         ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc

     configure will look at your old rsnapshot.conf file, and prompt
     you to upgrade. Read the message it displays, and then type:

         make upgrade

     An upgrade script will read your existing config file and make
     changes if necessary. If it does, the original will be saved
     as "rsnapshot.conf.backup" in the same directory. After the
     upgrade is complete, it is recommended you look at rsnapshot.conf
     and make sure everything is OK. Specifically, the
     "rsync_long_args" parameter should now be uncommented, along with
     a note explaining the change.

     Finally, to install rsnapshot, type:

         make install

     For the last step, to make sure the upgrade went OK, run:

         rsnapshot configtest

     Now rsnapshot will continue to work just as before. However, you
     may want to read the section below, as it gives information on
     how to fully update your config file to take advantage of the
     new features.

What follows is a detailed description of the change:

     In previous versions of rsnapshot (before 1.2.0), the default
     value for "rsync_long_args" was:

         --delete --numeric-ids

     Starting with rsnapshot 1.2.0, the new default value for
     "rsync_long_args" is:

         --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded

     In both the old and new versions, explicitly setting this
     parameter overrides the defaults. This is what the "make upgrade"
     script does, it manually sets this to the old default value for
     backwards compatibility.

     This change was made for a number of good reasons:

         rsnapshot has a feature to prevent you from accidentally
         backing up your snapshot root inside itself (recursively).
         Without this feature, it would be very easy to do something
         like specifying "/" as the backup point and forgetting to
         exclude the snapshot root.

         In the past, rsnapshot would avoid this by detecting the
         presence of the snapshot root in a backup point. If there was
         a conflict, the backup point would be rewritten internally,
         so that rsync would get called several times, once for each
         top level directory in the backup point, except for the one
         containing the snapshot root.

         This was not terrible, but it prevented taking full advantage
         of some other features that were added over time, such as
         "one_fs", and the include/exclude rules.

         For instance, if you wanted to backup your root filesystem
         (but only that disk partition), you couldn't really do so
         without figuring out which top level directories were housed
         on that partition, and then specifying them all as different
         backup points. Attempting to use the one_fs option would not
         have worked, since one_fs would be passed to rsync, but once
         for every single top level directory. Thus, if (for example)
         /var was housed on a different partition, it wouldn't matter
         since rsync was using /var as it's starting point, not "/".

         Additionally, in the past it was impossible to exclude a full
         path with rsync's include/exclude rules, regardless of what
         you were backing up. The best that could be done was to
         exclude a pattern (like "CVS"), or once again resort to
         listing all the top-level directories as seperate backup
         points surrounding anything you wanted to exclude.

         Now, because of the "--relative" option, it is possible to
         do all these things. "--delete-excluded" is nice too, since
         it will automatically remove things from your backups when
         you decide not to back them up anymore.

     Of course, there is a downside as well:

         With "--relative" enabled in "rsync_long_args", rsync treats
         the destination paths differently. Before, rsync would take
         the files from the source path and stick them directly into
         the destination path. Now, it takes the full source path and
         recreates all the parent directories in the destination path.

         This limits flexibility somewhat in the destination paths,
         since they are now tied to the namespace of the source paths.

         For example, something like this can no longer be done under
         the new system:

             backup    /var/qmail/            localhost/email/

         Before, the finished snapshot would look like this:


         Now, the finished snapshot will look like this:


     By explicitly setting the "rsync_long_args" parameter, you can
     operate rsnapshot in either of these two ways.

     Please be aware that if you are using an anonymous rsync server,
     the rules are just a little bit different. Unlike with a local
     filesystem or rsync over ssh, you can not rsync directly from
     the top level of the remote host. Instead, an rsync server has
     "modules" that are exported. These are essentially just top
     level directories. So instead of just specifying the hostname
     for the destination path, you should specify the module as well.

     Here is an example, where is the rsync server, and
     the exported module is called "pub":


         backup  rsync://


         backup  rsync://

     If you want to keep things the way they were, make sure you run
     "make upgrade" or otherwise set the rsync_long_args parameter
     to the old value.

     If you want to transition your destination paths over to the new
     way, read on.

     Here are some "before and after" examples from rsnapshot.conf.
     Each one yields identical results on the filesystem.

         THE OLD WAY (rsnapshot 1.1.6 and before):

             backup    /etc/                         localhost/etc/
             backup    /home/                        localhost/home/
             backup    /usr/local/                   localhost/usr/local/
             backup    rsync://

         THE NEW WAY (from rsnapshot 1.2.0 on):

             backup    /etc/                         localhost/
             backup    /home/                        localhost/
             backup    /usr/local/                   localhost/
             backup    rsync://

     But what happens when you had an entry like this?

             backup    /var/qmail/            localhost/email/

     As you can see, there is no direct mapping from the source path
     to the destination. You now have essentially four choices:

         1. Manually change the backup directories for individual backup
            points inside the snapshot root. This is probably the best
            method for most people to follow.

            For example, take this entry:

                backup  /var/qmail/     localhost/email/

            For the conversion, we are going to change it to:

                backup  /var/qmail/     localhost/

            Assume the snapshot root is "/.snapshots/", and the smallest
            interval is "hourly". Under the old system, these files would
            be backed up in this location:


            After we change the config file over to use --relative in
            rsync_long_args, the same files will now get backed up here:


            To make the transition seamless, we need to move this
            directory inside the snapshot root, and create all the parent
            directories, if necessary. So in this example, we do:

                cd /.snapshots/hourly.0/localhost/
                mkdir var/
                mv email/ var/qmail/

            If we map all the directories over in this way, we maintain
            all the hard links. The only real drawback is that users will
            have to learn the new locations of the files to restore them.

         2. Keep rsync_long_args set to the old values. Backward
            compatibility is maintained, but you can't take advantage of
            the new features.

         3. Specify rsync_long_args for a particular backup point where
            you want to use the old method. I.E.:

                backup /etc/       localhost/
                backup /home/      localhost/
                backup /var/qmail/ localhost/email/ rsync_long_args=--delete --numeric-ids

            This way you get the new features except where you need to
            override them for certain backup points. Be very careful here
            because it's easy to forget what's going on.

         4. Delete the latest snapshot and do a full re-sync under the new
            system. This is the brute force "I don't care about my old
            backups anyway" method. If this interests you, then perform
            the following steps:

              A. Figure out where your snapshot root is located.
              B. Figure out what the smallest interval is (I.E. hourly).
              C. Modify the config file to change your paths over to the
                 new system.
              D. Manually delete the most recent snapshot directory.
                 Assuming your snapshot root is set to "/.snapshots/", and
                 your smallest interval is "hourly", you would delete the
                 following directory:

                     rm -rf /.snapshots/hourly.0/

              E. Manually run rsnapshot on the lowest interval to perform
                 a full re-sync.

                     rsnapshot -v hourly

            Aside from the extra time spent on the full re-sync, the other
            big drawback to this method is that your snapshots will now
            take up the space of TWO full backups, plus incrementals. If
            you liked this method and were more concerned with disk space
            than history, you could also conceivably just delete the
            entire snapshot root and start over as well. Obviously this is
            a tactic to be used as a last resort!

     Finally, be aware that the backup_script parameter does NOT follow
     these new rules. Backup scripts still drop their files right into
     the destination directory specified. This makes sense when you
     realize that since the files came from a script, they didn't really
     have a source path on the filesystem to begin with.

     Any backup_script parameters should remain unchanged from before.
     Additionally, new checks have been added to rsnapshot to
     prevent you from accidentally wiping out your backup points later
     with an incorrect backup_script destination. For instance, this
     would nuke your backups, except that rsnapshot won't let you do it:

         backup         /etc/                           localhost/etc/
         backup_script  /usr/local/bin/  localhost/etc/

     This won't work either, because the backup script destination is
     above the backup point:

         backup         /etc/                           localhost/etc/
         backup_script  /usr/local/bin/  localhost/

     The correct usage would be something like this:

         backup         /etc/                           localhost/etc/
         backup_script  /usr/local/bin/  localhost/pgsql/

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